Los Angeles – “pop-art nun” radical moves in the center of Corita Kent. This Saturday, March 8, Corita Art Center (CAC) will open the doors of his new home in the La Arts district, offering the appropriate space for the artworks of social justice, spirituality and media elements of elements.
The new location will serve as a home for the artist Foundation, archive and gallery, to monitor education space and community collaboration, continuing the life of Kent’s life. It will be open to the public on Saturdays and Fridays Fridays Friday Friday. Admission is free, but reservations are required.

Born Frances Elizabeth Kent in 1918, Maria Corita Sister, entered between Hollywood nomacules in 1941. The creation of screen prints, magazines and newspapers, literature, literature, religious sources, and contemporary music.
“There was no hierarchy,” CAC Nellie Scott executive director CAC on Wednesday, March 5, explained in a new press preview.

The Immotulated Heart has been invited by Scott and Buckminster Fuller John Cage to the experimental composer. In 1964, the Department of University became a prototype of California culture, the flowers in your hair and justice Social focus, “Scott said. Kentek began progressive ideas on civil rights, anti-war efforts and more prominent roles on the church reform in its artwork.
As the 1960s progressed, friction between Conservative grazing between Los Angeles and Kent and its usual Nun, and 1968, was dropping from his votes and moved to Boston. Order has become an immaculate heart community, an ecumenic community of active storm.

Started working in the same year Heroes and Sheroes The series (1968-69) portrays prominent figures, Cesar Chavez, Cesar Chavez and Berrigan Brothers, including FBI’s lists and the priests who burned anti-war activities. Heroes and Sheroes It is the title of the opening of the center’s opening exhibition, the first time the series has shown entirely in the US.
The exhibition is also “My Town” (1965), reproducing this Time The first page of the watts uprising, accompanied by a citation in Father Maurice F. Ouellet, who took part in the Movement of Alabama civil rights. Scott referred to Kent’s first political work, a turning point that sets the stage Heroes and Sheroes. The exhibition will be seen for one year and then the University art galleries will still be traveling, supported by a curriculum that gives the protest, collective action and the contemporary events. According to Scott.

When Kent died in 1986, 30,000 works of art and the epheme parts, 18,000 35mm slides since its caca was created in 1997. The foundation was publicly open publicly, although at the heart of the heart, an exhibition space was in terms of access and visibility. In the last fall, CAC became a non-profit independent and turned its relocation plans, with IHC $ 5 million seed of $ 5 million.

Kent was known throughout his life, “Baby of the” Child for the Radical Moja of the 60s “, Scott as a note, and appeared on the skin Newsweek In 1967. 1985. The stamp designed in the year, which sold 700 million copies, stamp sold to that point. It is a figure with much influential in the communities of design, art and activists, and the situation in collective consciousness is not as noticeable once.
“They often ask me,” How did I know him? How isn’t household name? Scott said preview this week. “That’s a big part of our mission. Our highest hope lacks LA’s arms around him.”