Deborah Kass created Paintings in the history of art Outside frustration, not seeing in museum halls, even when he fell in love with their work. They are contradictory dynamics of attractiveness and repression, which gives its power, as they are tempered by his humor, and the pieces established by its formal sensitivity disappears to create attacks on the history of exclusion.
It is not known for the strange picture of a closet of breast and weapons without a chest and weapon Peanuts Komiki Kassos plays two dozen paintings in the current exhibition, Art History Paints 1989-1992 Salon 94 gallery. As a simple white line rendered as a black surface, the removal makes the image of commonly known cartoon, which encourages us to question the basics of what we know.

“Puff Piece” (1991) Black and white, Polylet Splash with a Superwoman or Supergirla (I’m not sure what) Semen-like Splurt’s air stream. The whole series acts with the popular series of the 1980s Postmodernist painting of the 1980s, which we usually do not have images that we do not link to each other. In doing so, Kases collides stylistic posters that call the most famous male artist, with a more sexual reading, raises the paint splashes. It is French and enlightening paint sensitivity, unlike Selle’s energy shadows, almost always ending as we entered the last therapy at the appointment.
Perhaps the Salle series has fewer effects than in the 80s, and his artistic proclamation, defining the meaning often feels like another mobility for the market, but the Kass is less interested in this marketing game. Instead, it has been focused on the power of systems that challenge us and while our agency can be seen.

“Untitled (First World, Third World)” (1990), the artist strikes in the cold war war, against what we would call the Liberal Western democracy today. By combining classic classic composition with an African landscape, Kasss influenced Picasso’s influence with space. In the same way, Disney, as in the delegation Dumon Franchise, leads to African Savannah – symbolic action of return? – Against Florida, where the high-ear story usually happens. The heritage heritage of the cubist work heritage is decorated with full circus makeup, a more traditional landscape. I don’t care that Dumbo is an Asian elephos of African Elephant Amorphos, including giant ears and not having almost hair. The influence of Africa has migrated in many directions, leaving the indirect evidence of this continent in a conceptual lemon in Africa. The paths of influence are invisible, but we see them. The depopulation of an African landscape enters a silhouette of the sunset in front of the spatial innovations of Cubism – both for different purposes of mine.
Kass’s work is mostly when it works lesbian or strange identity. Some of the most famous images of Modern Lesbian Art “How I Look” (1991) are combined with a more abstract style. Jasper Johns’s “The Chritly Sees” (1961) (1961). The crooked French women are drawn in rosy whirlwinds, a serious Gertrude Stein looks from the portrait of his painted Picasso. Everything is great contrast, and the public public public people of the intellectual Jewish American is predominant sensitive portrait of the same sex. While Stein was weaving lesbian, when the bans outside existed, Johns has always been around his sexuality, as well as decades after the death of Stein. It also brings questions: when we walk in a museum, do we even recognize it? This portrait of Lesbian Passion painted a straight man, however, the LGBTQ + image is for the visitor. “We’re really looking?” Kass asks, or, like a slam against Johns’s criticism, can we see you while we continue talking?

All Warhol, Pollock, Lichtenstein, Picasso, Picasso, Johns, Courbet and Walt Disney are part of the field, while they ignore the pretense of style and brand. However, there is a deep sense of longing for work, which represents the power of the elimination in dynamics.
“Subject issues” (1990), “I” is the right to a manuscript. The letter is foolish from Lucy, and on the other hand, a pile of flooding with lights made by Johns, “the light of the light found in three crosses. Who permits the elimination of their identities in the visual play while not to exclude or attack attacks?
This is almost a complete sweat Paintings in the history of art It is seen that the assistant of the Dallas Museum of Art and the “Emission control” could also be added. Because we find a place to hide in their message’s hardness, considering whether the jokes that gather art history, and we will see if we are within our own temple.

Deborah Kass: Art History Paintings 1989-1992 Salon continues in 94 (89. East 89. Street, east Upper Side, Manhattan) until March 29. He organized the exhibition gallery.