Maastricht, Netherlands – Luxury, Law and Subversion – European Fine Arts Fair (Tefaf) returned to the MECC Convention Center of the Netherlands with an extra selection of high quality artworks in the Museum. Despite being somewhat remote location, the fair has had an event of the world’s major art since its inception in 1988, collectors, commissioners and knowledge around the world.
Under the veil of champagne and the caviar, another narrative was spread – greater responsibility, the market adaptation and the quiet residence of the origin of the origin is adapted to modern study. Some vendors have increased the transparency study and public demand for good wealth and titles, while others need them through various resources. During the fair, the descriptions of the ambiguous origin were predominated, such as “” “” “private collection” and “private collection” and a vendor, “I don’t put all that puts all this [provenance] It is not interesting in the catalog. “
Tefaf has a long-standing cooperation with the registration of Art (ANR) – 2000. Since the year, the lists presented in the galleries to ensure that they are crossed against the extensive databases of missing and discussed objects. But despite the efforts to improve the toe procedures, there were many disagreements that appeared at this year’s fair.

Galerie in Paris offered the Roman marble “emperor”. In 1961, in 1961. In 1961. In 1961. Galerie Chenel initially had the Banueza of Frieze Masters in London, last October, the supplier had a complementary name: Robert Hecht is known for the seller of Sotheby’s 1964. This omission of Hecht’s name was attributed to Tefaf for a long time to emphasize the fair with materials associated with material procedures or controversial market. Notable, in recent years, Galerie Chenel had other objects abducted in Tefaf. Hyperalergic Contacted with the gallery for comments.
This practice of changing or understanding the names or sites of provinces or evidence until the market is seen as seen with Bubon bronze. These bronze captured and circulated in the network of Hecht in the 1960s – the same decade, when this Torso was first recorded – before entering the world’s worldwide and private collections. Today, many Bubon Bronzes return to Turkey through voluntary recompulsion or legal intervention.

Charlotte Chambers-Farah, Art Loss Register’s Art Fair Manager, admits these concerns in an email Hyperalergic.
“It is essential to call the tefaf to ask that some materials reach some materials from the whole market,” Chambers-Farah said. “In fact, it has 15,000 elements of the fair, which is probably statistically unavoidable whatever is done.”
Safety was another underlying subject, significantly increased bag and coats of arms.
The elephant in the room, however, was the EU 2019/880 EU setting, expected to highlight the European art market. The new rules will be applied to purchase or holding “European art” outside the European Union, which requires measures for import licenses and strict. Cultural goods will be classified in two categories: high-risk elements, especially archaeological elements and low-risk items, objects over 200 years (~ 19,528 €).
As Chambers-Farah stated that this year’s study had a great influence. “It will be interesting to change the long-term change in the changes established in this year’s change. Hyperalergic.

Fair programming and exhibition options are subtly reflected as a form of cultural subversion. The presence of politically resonance work, with more attention to diversity, but also, but also attractive with broader cultural dialogues. Vincent van Gogh (the greatest extent) works such as Vincent van Gogh, Titian, Pablo Picasso, AI Weweii, and Rembrandt van Rijn, today’s remarkable presentations and historically underlined artists. For example, the juxtaposition of various ancient African sculptures, entitled to an ancient African painting by Franck Kemkeneng Noah, entitled “2022) (2022). Perhaps inadvertently – the treatment of African art in western contexts.

Tefaf has put close attention when attracting new buyers, attracting new artists and exploring new markets. Among the 273 galleries presented, Juliana Seraphim was a pioneering artist born in Palestinian in Palestinian, striking examples of African modernism stood out. Meanwhile, this year’s Tefaf peaks directed a critical subject in the face of the art sector: a decline in public financial support. Panels explored new private funding models of private art, emphasizing the need for sustainable patterns and is more economical and political climate.
Removing the problem of the problem, the sustainability of fuzzy ownership and some vendors to disclose whole history with its past grappling industry. The change is happening: at the rhythm of more than wide market forces on the market.