Buffalo AKG Museum, earlier Albright-knox art gallery, after examination, organization put 13 employees and to effectively remove employee positions.
The Buffalo AKG replaces visitors’ experience (VEX), facilities management and food services departments, claiming that the Western New York Art Museum is being avenged against employees in favor of hiring unoremative departments.
The museum has not yet responded HyperalergicRequest for immediate comments.
Employees continue over the year of union efforts in AKG, achieving its first contract in December. In early April, restrictions will affect three and 10 partial employees of full-time employees, organizing the director of the UPSATE NY staff, in an email Hyperalergic.
As a result of the cut, the Vex Department and the volunteers of daily operations, more than half of SICA staff will be reduced by Moore, said that these releases 15 vex staff continue to a restriction.
Eleven days ago, the museum published work lists for 11 conservation and security associations, the position of the safety patron saint of trade unions.
“When employee rights are attacked, AKG is viewing a page in Elon Muskook’s playbook.
Andrea Harden, the museum’s director of the talent and culture, said New buffalo Comportees are based on operational experience in the last 20 months, after a AKG expansion and renewal of $ 230 million, when the organization doubled the exhibition space.
“We concluded that the member of the visitors experience did not function,” hardly said.
“As a result of this scheduled operational change, employees who have always protected AKG’s goods and facilities will stop sharing this task with the experience of visitors and to return the full responsibility of its original and essential service,” said the hard time ” New buffalo.
Today, March 7, Museum staff and members of the Buffalo community gathered outside the Museum in the first Friday program, with the scabby inflatable and the director of the museum was called to stop the Janne SirĂ©n’s release. Another sign AKG officials took advantage of the restrictions of the final employees of government efficiency.
The New York City Museum’s Brooklyn Museum has made criticized antidium against an organization’s decision in front of a $ 47 million budget deficit. Yesterday in a rally, Brandon Mancilla, Director of the USA region, was one of the two unions representing the museum staff, called “Austerity culture”. Last week, the Guggenheim Museum also announced releases, without 20 employees without affecting salary workers.
Tayia Woolford, 2023. Since the year Buffalo AKG Museum worker, in a statement he lost his role in the Vex department Hyperalergic.
“The museum said it was a family,” Woolford said. “Now I stay in the dust, in the middle of a housing crisis.”