A granite of granite in Londo has called the State of Corsica in the Bronze Age called the “False” Cultural Heritage Authorities.
On March 13, a 63cm statue sold by a Spanish vendor through Lyon & Turnbull € 22,500. BC was said to be the end of the third millennium, “reminiscent of stellas found in the Filitosa site, in the south [Mediterranean] Island, which are among the well-known statues similar to humans. “
CORSE MATIN, Local newspaper, published Strong reactions for the sale of scientific income. “The work of our historians”, which control the island’s cultural heritage, “allowing us to confirm that it is false,” said Anne-Laure Santecci, a member of Corsican Council and Heritage.
By talking Art diaryArchaeologist Franke Leandri, the author of a book about the Ministry of Culture of Corsica and its megaliths, says According to the catalog photos, “Unable to accept” that there is no way that this tailet can be real “and that is only a pale copy”.
He followed what described the “crude manufacturing” of Leandri sculpture. “It is very small and has nothing to do with proportions of well-known fabric statues [of this kind in Corsica]”He says.” The face is quite rudimentary and the styles of the almond eye indicates that it is a final job. The protuberance of the “planned”, the helmet indicates the presence of the ears. ”
Archaeologists “surprised that he was not surprised before sales, that he could have avoided a lot of problems,” and “surprised” can actually be accepted as a wonderful copy. ”
Laetitia Deudo, the head of the Corsica Archaeology, has consulted him before sales, which will allow his team to study the “Origin of the Stone Origin and the Origin of the Carving Brand”. It continues: “We were warned before a few days earlier. Protected by a piece of Corsica heritage, wondering if we were an auction that could have an auction, at the beginning or was an innocent copy of an artist or an amateur.”
In a statement Art diaryA spokesman at Lyon & Turnbull said the auction house is “sure to keep” the veracity and dating of the sculpture, “the aforementioned report supports its age and origin.”
Spokesperson added: “Also, the piece managed to be well seen in the main art fairs and specialized salesmen and specialized collectors.” The auction house has been denied, however, offer Art diary with the details of forensic reports or authors.
The catalog of the sale, auction house has a “certificate” of the International Art (IADAA) Association of the International Art (IADAA), but a spokesman for IADAA said Art diary This “object had been checked against the stolen art interpol database and has nothing to do with it.”
No information in the state catalog, and Deudon says his team “found nothing” [their] Archives about such discovery “since 1972, Offnggang Meyn has been in the hands of two collections, Sover (near Dortmund, Germany) and Rob Fens, Netherlands, 2023 before buying Spanish vendors.
Deudon “could be genuine, caught from the island and say that he is smuggling, as the export of archaeological objects is completely forbidden.”
About 800 stone monuments found in Corsica, which is now roughly being menhiras with man’s face, a marked chin and nose in the form and nose. The historical function of Menhir is a discussion accountLeandria said that “military elite gets access to land and natural resources”. They are decorated with swords, rough, shields, helmets and other armor.