A new report The cultural policy unit is published by an independent tank of the UK.
Last July, Mark Jones, the former former director of the British Museum said that an entry entry of € 20 for foreign visitors. “It will make sense when they return to our museums, leaving museums abroad. The greatest attractions of Britain are our great museums and galleries, however, they do not return to the resources needed,” said the Jones.
But last month, when writing writing Financial TimesThe director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, Tristram Hunt, offered “few words of prudence”. Hunting shows the number of visitors dropped significantly, along with loading entry fees, in the museum stores and hospitality, “Treasury [also] It has a bad habit of lowering public funding, sees that self-generated income is growing, “he added.
Now, this new report still adds more arguments about the discussion. “Britain has the national collections around the world, not only his neighbors,” statues of documents. “The expansion of the world is part of our” soft power “, and the reputation in the UK would be harmed if we reverse this.”
The report emphasizes that loads must be included, such as the British museums, if the Nigerian tourists need to charge, Benin bronze or Egyptians to see the Rosetta stone. Meanwhile, the Nigerians and Egyptians lived in the UK.
It continues to stress that the UK’s free admission policy is the national education system of the country. “Culture and information can be available for all, including school children, when the subsequent governments have retried the previous work. There is also an important “walk” principle of the public, it is a policy bed, adds the report.
“The implementation of the charging system that discriminates this way will be a challenge without an identity card and the UK museum ecosystem and fame could be harmful, compared to alternatives such as a tourist accommodation,” says reports. In an extra document, the Cultural Policy Unit advocates a 3 -5% charge of 3 -5% to finance the cultural infrastructure of England. This load of visitors is routine in other cities like Venice and New York.
Bernard Donoghue, Director of the Association of the Attraction of Visitor Attractions, Art diary: “This report is the idea of returning to the UK visitors to the UK national collections. The fronts of museums and galleries should not provide limitations for the border, they do not require the unpleasant task of applying for ID and passports to ensure nationality or residence.
However, as reviews of government spending reviews approach, the Museum Trust is a risk that may have decline in subsidiary grants and may need to charge. This says the report will interrupt the established business models developed by museums in the UK.