Exhibition Eternal offers: Chinese bronze From the Minneapolis Art Institute At the Gallery of Manhattan’s Chinese Institute, one of the largest Chinese bronze collections outside China is a decisive time in human civilization history. Traveling from Minneapolis Art (Mia), the extraordinary bronze containers of food and wine are visible in the New York City for the first time in New York.
The creation of bronze culture – an alloy of copper, tin and lead – remains a crucial chapter in the history of human civilization. Although China has not entered the Bronze era, the bronze of this period is special in the history of the world, with a variety and introduction, except the ritual context and number of the country’s broad territory. Bronze Age people believed in China in the hierarchy of creatures, from the skies to the royal courts to the royal courts. They created art on earth and after life, making many bronze bowls, in order to recognize the powers invested in these high classifications in ceremonies and sacrifices.
“Together, creative works of art offer extraordinary traces in China about early humans, who honored his ancestors, worshiped by God and prepared for life.”
–George S. GeG, General Manager of the Chinese Institute in America

In the Chinese Institute Gallery, more than 70 visible objects is a double owl, a late Shang dynasty (XII. Century) with a sculpture of dynasty horse skimp (1 century CE). Eternal offers: Chinese bronze He was previously seen in Mia in the spring of 2024.
“The Minneapolis Institute of Art is one of the best in the United States. This exhibition offers a unique window in the extraordinary artistic creativity and the China’s art chair in Chinese art,” said the China art chair.
Eternal offers He organizes the Minneapolis Art Institute and Dr. Liu Yang has a commissioner.
To find out more and reserve tickets, visit chinainstitute.org.